We have been given a last minute opportunity to recruit at least 6 extra students!! This is fantastic news for you!!

You need to be ready to hit the ground running for a fantastic, fun filled, employability skills building three Saturdays ahead to join.

Our past participants have said all of the following:

“Interchange was life changing for me”

“I’ve made incredible new friends, they will be lifelong friendships”

“This was the absolute highlight of my university stay in Australia”


“I’m so glad I got off the couch and didn’t just watch Netflix on these Saturdays”

ACU is paying thousands of dollars for you to participate in this program. There is no cost to you (except to get to UNSW and other obvious travel costs) and all three Saturdays are catered events.

There are great prizes to be won (usually iPads) Not to mention how fantastic this program works for supporting participants with their next career steps.

NETWORK!! Come and make lifelong friendships!!

** Make the most of getting an insight into Aussie workplace culture and get ideas of how you can use all of these new skills to leverage your own careers!!

Don’t binge watch telly on Saturday! Come and join us FOR A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE at INTERCHANGE 2019!!

More details and register here:
